7 Ways to Get Rid of Cat Smells in the House
Did you know that there are over 8 million pet cats in Australia? These feline creatures are fun to play with but can also create quite a mess in your home. Your cat sheds dead skin cells called dander and urinates in different areas of your home, which causes smells. These cat smells are strong and intense and can linger on your home surfaces for a long time.
Therefore, it is necessary to clean your home properly to get rid of these foul odours and make your home smell fresh. You can always hire a bond cleaner Ipswich to help clean your home and get rid of these harsh smells or use the below seven steps to get rid of pet smells in your home:
Hay fever
Therefore, to eliminate this pet dander smell, you must vacuum your furniture, carpet and areas where your cat rests at least once a week. You should also use a smaller vacuum to clean the pet hair and dander from your cat’s bedding, play areas and scratching posts.Start by blotting the area with a cloth to remove the urine.
Next, sprinkle baking soda on the area and leave it for 30 minutes.
The baking soda will not only lift the stain but also absorb the moisture so the smell does not return.
Vacuum the area to remove the baking soda.
First, blot the area with a paper towel to remove the urine.
Next, mix one cup of vinegar with one cup of water in a spray bottle.
Spray this over the affected areas and leave it for 15 minutes.
Now, blot the area with a clean cloth.
Keep repeating this till the stain comes off, and then dry the area with a clean cloth.
Tip You can also use vinegar to remove mould from your carpet and other areas.Mix one part of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle.
Add two to three drops of dish soap and shake it.
Spray this on the affected areas and leave it for 15 minutes.
Next, use a clean cloth to blot the area and remove the solution.
Now, sprinkle baking soda over the area and leave it for 10 minutes.
The baking soda will absorb the stain and deodorise the area.
Lastly, vacuum the affected area to remove the baking soda.
1. Vacuum Your Surfaces To Remove Pet Dander
Your cat sheds tiny dead skin cells called pet dander that can attach to your home surfaces and cause smells. These dead skin cells contain a protein called Fel d 1 that can cause a pet allergy and symptoms like:Therefore, to eliminate this pet dander smell, you must vacuum your furniture, carpet and areas where your cat rests at least once a week. You should also use a smaller vacuum to clean the pet hair and dander from your cat’s bedding, play areas and scratching posts.
2. Wash Your Cat’s Bedding To Remove Foul Odours
Since your cat rests on the bedding, pillows and blankets daily, the dead skin cells, hair and dirt can settle on these areas and cause a funky smell. Therefore, you should wash your cat’s bedding every three weeks on a cold cycle to remove this foul odour. You can also clean your pet toys with soap and water to eliminate bad smells. This will help keep your home clean and dust-free with pets.3. Sprinkle Baking Soda To Get Rid Of Cat Urine Odours
Cat urine contains urea and felinine that creates a pungent smell. Once bacteria breaks down felinine, it decomposes into mercaptan, a foul-smelling odour in skunk spray. Bacteria also break down the urea into ammonia-like substances that smell. Thus bond cleaning experts Ipswich recommend using baking soda to remove cat urine stains as this alkaline substance can easily dissolve uric acid and urea. Here are steps on how you can remove uric acid using baking soda:4. Avoid Cat Spray Smells By Using White Vinegar
If your cat sprays on the walls and other areas of your home, you can use white vinegar to combat these urine smells. White vinegar contains acetic acid that can lift and remove these stains. To use white vinegar, you should:Tip You can also use vinegar to remove mould from your carpet and other areas.